4-Element Multicoated Plossl Eyepieces
Plossl eyepieces have 4 optical elements for improved performance, especially in the shorter focal lengths along the outside edges of the view, resulting in less flare and optical distortion. This advantage is further maximized by using multiple anti-reflective coatings on all four of the optical glass elements.
e-Scopes Plossls are available in a wide range of focal lengths, from a relatively short 6.3mm to a wide field 25mm version. All metal barrels. 1.25 inch size fits virtually all telescopes from any manufacturer.
Package deals available, too!
F.L. Size A.F. Elements Coated Threaded for Filter
7.5mm A 52 deg. 4 Fully/Multi Yes
10mm A 52 deg. 4 Fully/Multi Yes
25mm A 52 deg. 4 Fully/Multi Yes
F.L. = Focal length in millimeters
A.F. = Apparent field in degrees
Sizes: A = 1.25 inch
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